Pumping Water Out of a Flooded Basement

Whether or not your home is located in a floodplain, if your house has a basement, it could be subject to flood, either through a backup of drain pipes, seepage through foundation cracks, broken water pipes or other natural calamities.

Case in point: Basement after basement in arid Boulder, CO - some located on “high ground” that was clearly out of the floodplain - flooded in September 2013 when a rainstorm stalled over the area for several days, causing the ground to be saturated to the point that runoff was seemingly everywhere, including many backyards.

While no one wants to face the prospect of pumping out a basement full of water, knowing how to do so safely could help to mitigate long-term damage, especially since water removal companies will be overworked in the days following a disaster and might not be able to get to you for a while. In many cases, you can rent the equipment you need and get the job done by following these considerations, courtesy of the San Francisco Chronicle:

Before pumping floodwater, wait until waters begin to recede. If there is standing water in the yard around your home, it’s too early to pump. Shut off electricity and keep children and pets away from the basement.

Use a submersible pump, which is in a waterproof case with a sealed electrical cord, to remove the water. When using an extension cord to attach the pump to a power source (typically a generator), make sure that the connection stays well above the water line. If necessary, use a nylon rope to lower the pump into the water. Position the drain hose away from the house on a grade that will allow the water to run into a storm sewer or gutter. Use a wet/dry vacuum to remove water that is less than an inch deep.

You should plan to replace any flood-damaged material that is porous – including carpeting and drywall -- in order to prevent the growth of mold. Allow the wood framing underneath the removed drywall to completely dry out before installing new sheetrock or paneling. Using a dehumidifier can help to speed up the drying process.


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